Strength Training for Cycling & Triathlon - Hit the Gym!

No Long Post - Short and to the point!

  • Scientifically proven to improve efficiency, economy and performance

  • Want to develop Basic and Max Strength (low reps) not Strength Endurance (high reps)

  • Unilateral (single limb) training can help to rebalance existing asymmetries

  • Movement Screen + Injury history helps identify ‘at risk’ areas to target

  • Helps address ‘quad dominance’ and strengthen weak/underactive hip extensors (glutes/hamstrings) commonly seen in endurance athletes

  • Developing Strength increases potential for Power (Strength = pre-cursor for power)

  • Helps offset Sarcopinea for older athletes - the loss of strength and muscle mass that occurs with aging

  • Essential for maintaining tendon quality and decreasing bone density (Osteopinea)

  • Helps improve stability and mobility using multi-directional training not normally subjected to

  • Improves Insulin Sensitivity and Nervous System efficiency

  • You won’t get ‘hench’! Programmes work on nervous system efficiency not muscular size

Got a question about you lifting or looking to get stronger and minimise your injury risk?

Contact Us Today for a free Consultation!

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